On April 30th, during the release of GeForce GTX 690, NVIDIA announced a new cloud technology: GeForce Experience. Developed in the past five years the service will bring huge benefits to PC’s gamers. How? By accessing computers’ hardware and sending the information acquired to a processing centre responsible for building perfect configurations to each game, according to GPU, CPU, motherboard and drivers.
Thus, the user won’t have to modify his/her PC’s configurations in order to play a game with its best graphics resolution. The person only need to push a button to download them, along with the most recent graphics. As a consequence, computers would be overcoming an advantage that consoles hold against them which is the fact of playing games the way they were programmed.
What do you think about this news from NVIDIA? Will GeForce Experience be as good as it’s been said? We’ll be able to confirm this on June 6th, when the programme’s beta version is released.